Copy & Pastry

Copy & Pastry is a post-pandemic midnight bakery that gives college students the opportunity to work on their homework in a fresh and creative atmosphere among their peers. With difficulties connecting with classmates, students can book study sessions. This allows students to meet new people and work collaboratively. With warm pastries, bottomless coffee, and like-minded late-night grinders, students will regain their motivation and strive to do their best work.
Pandemic vs. Student Life
The Pandemic has made things especially difficult for students this year. Motivation, focus, and social interaction has dropped significantly, and being stuck in our stuffy homes to complete our homework hasn’t helped. We’ve lost our ability to truly connect with our classmates.

Being the night owl I am, I’m much more productive at night, but there isn’t anywhere I can go at this time to feel refreshed. Everywhere is closed. I mostly just feel trapped. I’m always distracted and am dreading to complete my work. I really just miss working with my classmates. Even before the pandemic it was difficult to make connections with others. There aren’t any restaurants already existing that focus on helping
students, and I wanted to help change that.
Visual Branding
Because Copy & Pastry is meant to help students focus by creating a fresh and creative atmosphere, I chose to implement many organic blob-like shapes and hand drawn illustrations with some texture in order to add character and inspire students to think more freely without limits. I am very passionate for illustration, so it was really fun implementing that into my project. To see the visual branding in action, check out the deliverables below!

Copy & Pastry